DEA To Host Supply Chain Conference

March 31, 2023By Larry K. Houck

Perhaps you obtain controlled substance quotas or submit ARCOS reports?  Maybe you identify and report suspicious orders or thefts/losses.  Or you obtain import or export permits, submit import or export declarations or listed chemical DEA-486s.  Do you want to learn more?  You have your chance.

DEA’s Diversion Control Division is hosting a Supply Chain Conference for registered manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters on controlled substance and listed chemical requirements in Houston on May 2-4, 2023.  The first day is dedicated to manufacturers, while Days 2 and 3 are for regulatory compliance personnel and mid-level to senior managers.  DEA will offer virtual accessibility to those who cannot attend in person.  Relevant information and links follow.

Click here to VIEW AGENDA.

Click here for In-Person Registration or Live Stream Registration

Refer questions to with subject line “Supply Chain Conference.”