We’re Looking for a Repeat; Nominate FDA Law Blog for the ABA Blawg 100

September 14, 2010

It’s that time of year again when the Blawggeratti (legal bloggers) are all atwitter about the American Bar Association’s (“ABA’s”) Blawg 100 – the top 100 legal blogs in the blogosphere.  With your help we made the top 100 list last year, and we are hoping for a repeat in 2010 – with your help once again!   The ABA announced that it is now accepting nominations for 2010.  We ask that FDA Law Blog readers visit the ABA’s “Blawg 100 Amici” website and nominate FDA Law Blog!  Thank you!  (It will only take a couple of minutes. Remember, when you complete the nomination form, our URL is www.fdalawblog.net.)

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